Watch Algorithms and Analytics: Connecting the Learner and the Learning Presentations

On October 23rd 2019, mediaX hosted the Algorithms and Analytics: Connecting the Learner and the Learning Conference. This full day event brought together experts and members in the mediaX community to explore the frontiers of learning algorithms and analytics and focusing on, Measuring what matters in learning, Designing learning experiences and algorithms for conversation and Developing metatags for open exchange.
Education is experiencing an expansion of new media, tools and practices for measuring attention and engagement in sensory experiences, as well as learners’ physical, cognitive and emotional responses. These frontiers are moving forward quickly. It’s time to carefully examine which indicators of learning are most meaningful. And which can be used ethically in algorithms for personalized learning and for learning at scale. To move these developments forward more quickly, mediaX thought leaders ask: how can data from educational experiences be tagged for open exchange.
Watch the Talks From
Martha Russell, Ajay Madhock, Emma Brunskill, Bruce Cahan, Karen Wang, Richard Tong, Robert Moore, Dan Schwartz, Nick Haber, Chris Piech, Mark Musen and the Panel Discussion.
Click the name above to see the individual sessions or watch all of the talks in the playlist below.
CLICK HERE for key points each thought leader addressed.