Immersion for Collaboration
July 13, 2020
Over the past few months, we’ve been pressed into using virtual presence to share screens and to create meaning. In this virtual colloquia webinar series we will use existing and emerging technologies to leverage experiences and insights from the mediaX membership community of scholars, researchers, instructors and learners.
A Pop-up Training Model for Critical Needs
April 21, 2020
From the mediaX webinar series “Thinking Tools for Wicked Problems”, Van Ton-Quinlivan looks at how health care is a prime example of one of the wicked problems faced in education. Even after a training need is identified, it takes time to achieve agreement across stakeholders to identify the curriculum requirements and find resources to satisfy them.

mediaX Thought Leader Shows High School Students are Unprepared to Judge Credibility of Information on the Internet
Professor Sam Wineburg co-authors a report showing prospective young voters are poorly equipped to evaluate the sources of online content.
Algorithms and Analytics: Connecting the Learner and the Learning
October 23, 2019
Join us October 23, 2019 in CERAS #101 from 8:30am to 4:45pm as experts and members in the mediaX community explore the frontiers of learning algorithms and analytics that connect learners with learning including; Measuring what Matters in Learning, Designing Learning Experiences and Algorithms for Conversation and Developing Metatags for Open Exchange.

mediaX Thought Leader Helps Design Auto-focus Lenses That Focus on What You See
Gordon Wetzstein uses eye-tracking technology to automatically control lenses that are designed to restore proper vision in people who would ordinarily need progressive lenses.

#mediaX2019 Conference Presentations are Available
Relive the April 25th, 2019 “Digital Communities and the Augmented Human Experience” discussions from Stanford thought leaders and industry experts that delved into ideas of what builds community in 2019 and beyond.
The Intersection Between Human Learning and Machine Learning
Richard Tong is the Chief Architect of Squirrel AI Learning by Yixue Education Group. He is an experienced ed-tech technologist, executive and entrepreneur. He was the Head of Implementation, Greater China Region for Knewton, and Director of Solution Architecture for Amplify Education. He also served as CTO of Phoenix New Media (NYSE:FENG). He has been heavily […]
2019 Disruptive Technology & Digital Cities Summit
June 3, 2019
This year, the summit on June 3rd and 4th will focus is on “Crossing the Data Layer Through Mobility,” and will look at how new advances in material sciences, robotics, electric cars, cyber-security, autonomous vehicles, and artificial intelligence will impact the exchange of data to create new insights in urban settings.

Registration is Open for #mediaX2019 Conference
Join us April 25th from 9a-4p as we address the topic of Digital Communities and the Augmented Human Experience and look at questions like What is “community” and How will information technologies enhance the human experience of community?