#mediaX2015 Conference Presentations Are Now Available

On April 15th and 16th 2015, the #mediaX2015 Conference “Writing the Code for Personal Relevance” took place at Stanford University. Personal relevance is the currency of the experience economy. Context and intention drive digital exchanges in education, commerce and entertainment. With the insights obtained, conference attendees are now empowered to create the code of personal relevance in the next wave of technologies used by people.
Watch All The Presentations:
Watch The Individual Presentations From:
Stanford Taiko, Martha Russell, John Mitchell, Allan Reiss, Larry Leifer, James Landay, Byron Reeves, Joyce Westerink, Gordon Wetzstein, Chris Chafe, Monica Lam and Lee Zlotoff with additional Panels On: Personalizing Media Experiences, Personal Media Participation & Personalizing Games.
See Photos Of The #mediaX2015 Conference
Watch The Stanford Talisman Perform At The #mediaX2015 Dinner
Watch the Presentations From The #mediaX2015 Dinner:
Esther Wojcicki and Kenji Suzuki