Once Upon A Time Of… You: The Transformative Potential of Personalized Fiction
In his presentation, Lee Zlotoff attempts to demonstrate that humans are a narrative species and that, underlying all our choices and decisions, there is, in fact, a story. What’s more, are the stories that are most likely to affect us fiction rather than non-fiction? Assuming that fictional stories might be the most likely to inspire change, what then could be the opportunities and potential of using current advances in technology to produce personalized fiction? How would such a thing work? How might it affect behavior and could it, in fact, become the basis for a new approach to personal or cultural transformation?
Lee David Zlotoff is an award-winning writer, producer and director of film and television.Among his more than one hundred hours of television credits, he was the creator of the global hit TV series “MacGyver” as well as the writer/director of the indie hit film “Spitfire Grill” which won the coveted Audience Award at the Sundance film festival. In addition, Lee has been a regular contributor to MAKE magazine. He is a graduate of St. John’s College—known as ‘The Great Books School’ — in Annapolis, MD where he has served on the Board of Directors and is currently on the President’ Council.