Building a Digital Trust Ecosystem for Education
Building Trust through Technology-enabled Intermediaries (Virtual Webinar Series)
October 15, 22, 29 and November 5
As people across the globe continue to adjust to implications of the global pandemic, the continued uncertainty elevates the necessity for trusted relationships. Believability and confidence between individuals, directly and indirectly through their devices, exists in a variety of contexts.
Many contexts require a trusted intermediary. This third-party mediates interactions, sitting between stakeholders. In some cases, these stakeholders are users of services or activities provided through digital platforms. In many cases, users contribute the data that creates the benefits they receive.
In all scenarios, trust is essential, and often technological tools are a key component for enabling those relationships, serving as a hub and adding algorithmic filters to deliver affective and cognitive security in mutually beneficial systems.
Join us as we explore how intermediaries, through systems and ecosystems, can serve to build trust networks between people in education and wellness. This series will investigate tools, processes, and strategies that are helping to build trust across a variety of contexts.
Among questions to be explored in this series are:
*How can technology serve as an enabler of trusted relationships?
*What are the human requirements for technology-enabled, trusted relationships?
*What pitfalls, and potential solutions, can be anticipated when digital intermediaries bridge human relationships?
October 15th
What can be considered as one the worst health and economic crises of the last century – COVID-19, became an opportunity for Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P) and its ecosystem to take a leadership role in Morocco and in Africa. In a matter of weeks we were able to forge relationships with government agencies, regulations organisms, telecom companies, social organizations, TV network channels… to launch initiatives to mitigate the impact of the crisis. We produced more then 3000 OERs for K to 12 classes, these OERs were made free to access and we managed to have Telecom operators to drop the data charges to access those. With partner universites from around the world we launched other programs for higher education.
In this session, Building a Digital Trust Ecosystem for Education, El Alami will address how UM6P was able to position itself as a trusted intermediary, that mobilized all stakeholders – inside UM6P and across Morocco – to work across silos to solve the current challenges we are facing.
Additional Virtual Webinar Sessions (Registration Required For Each)
If A Session If Full, Please Email Addy Dawes To Be Placed On The Wait List
October 22nd
11:30-12:30pm PST (ZOOM)
Ajay Madhok, Can a Trusted Intermediary Transform Systems Into Interoperable Ecosystems?
October 29th
11:30-12:30pm PST (ZOOM)
Tina Hernandez-Broussard, Building Trust in Centralizing Wellness Data & Bioinformatics

Rafiq El Alami is responsible for the Digital Learning Lab at the Mohammed VI Polytechnic Institute (UM6P) and is interested in both digital and organizational infrastructures. His goal is to increase adoption of “digital” at UM6P across the board – for research, education and innovation. El Alami’s research interests in digital education include exploring new ways for improving the learning experience and increase digital instruction’s effectiveness – across styles, platforms and experiences. As the head of the Digital For Research Lab, El Alami collaborates with UM6P’s various research departments to use big data, crowd sourcing, and Artificial Intelligence to improve existing models or create new ones.