mediaX 2021 Conference Presentations Are Available
Relive the three session conference as thought leaders from the Stanford and mediaX member communities come together to explore how curiosity and learning can build the relationship between humans and machines.

Can a Trusted Intermediary Transform Systems Into Interoperable Ecosystems?
Ajay Madhok and Drummond Reed, two digital identity architects, explore a new path to trusted intermediaries for an everything-connected world where our interactions are increasingly moving online.
Creation and Discovery of Immersive Content
Pearly Chen is Vice President of Business Development at HTC, a smartphone industry pioneer and virtual reality industry leader. Having been at the front row seat of HTC’s foray into VR since day one as Chief of Staff to Founder/Chairwoman Cher Wang, she now leads the growth of Viveport Infinity, the world’s first hardware-agnostic VR […]
Players First: The Responsibility & Opportunity of Multiplayer Video Games Today
Ivan Davies has a background in sports psychology, specializing in group cohesion and collective efficacy. In 2005, he became a Physical Education teacher in the UK, where he delivered lessons for students aged 11–18 years in a co-educational specialist sports college. During this period, he worked with the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority (QCA) to carry […]
Attention and Engagement for Teamwork
Renate Fruchter is the founding director of the Project Based Learning Laboratory (PBL Lab), lecturer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Senior Research Engineer thrust leader of “Collaboration Technologies” at the Center for Integrated Facilities Engineering (CIFE), at Stanford. She leads a research effort to develop collaboration technologies for multidisciplinary, geographically distributed […]

Immersion for Collaboration
What are the human requirements for collaboration and teamwork in immersive environments?
Immersive Technologies for Learning
July 30, 2020
In this first-of-kind, the Very Virtual Retreat we will use existing and emerging technologies to leverage experiences and insights from the mediaX membership community of scholars, researchers, instructors and learners focusing on immersive technologies for learning.
Immersion for Learning
July 16, 2020
Over the past few months, we’ve been pressed into using virtual presence to share screens and to create meaning. In this virtual colloquia webinar series we will use existing and emerging technologies to leverage experiences and insights from the mediaX membership community of scholars, researchers, instructors and learners.
Immersion for Discovery
July 14, 2020
Over the past few months, we’ve been pressed into using virtual presence to share screens and to create meaning. In this virtual colloquia webinar series we will use existing and emerging technologies to leverage experiences and insights from the mediaX membership community of scholars, researchers, instructors and learners.