Dream Team: Computational Techniques for Adaptive Teams
From The Theme SMART OFFICE WORKFLOWS WHAT IF What if we could leverage computation and machine learning to optimize team structure? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to explore a new computationally empowered management practice for teams. We developed a system called “DreamTeam” that experiments with a set of possible team structures […]
Interaction Using Situated Spatial Gestures
From The Theme KNOWLEDGE WORKER PRODUCTIVITY WHAT IF What if we could improve interfaces for context, comprehension and human-machine performance, in order to develop machines that could sense and respond to people’s movements and behaviors? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to improve human-machine interaction by enabling machines to detect and respond […]

AI for Culturally Relevant Interactions Presentations are Available
Relive the talks featuring academia and industry thought leaders in the emerging arena of cultural and societal interactions with big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Gestures, Speech and Vision—Towards a Multi-Modal Augmented Reality Human-Robot Interface
From The Theme HUMAN MACHINE INTERACTION AND SENSING WHAT IF? What if humans could communicate with robots through visual and speech interfaces that would produce more natural interactions? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to develop tools that would improve human-robot communication, collaboration and team-work. Specifically, we aimed to augment the STanford […]
Revealing and Using Emotion Detection
From The Theme HUMAN MACHINE INTERACTION AND SENSING WHAT IF? What if we could develop systems and algorithms that sense and communicate human emotions accurately and appropriately? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to investigate fundamental issues surrounding how systems should handle emotion detection, including optimal approaches for revealing emotional information. We […]
Human Machine Interaction and Sensing of the Golf Swing
From The Theme HUMAN MACHINE INTERACTION AND SENSING WHAT IF? What if we could identify the vital elements of a repeatable, expertly performed movement or task, and translate these elements into a training tool? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to evaluate the biomechanical data of an elite golfer’s swing, in order […]
Designing Sensor-Based Interactions by Example
From The Theme HUMAN MACHINE INTERACTION AND SENSING WHAT IF? What if we had tools that made designing sensor-based interactions, applications and products as easy as demonstrating sensor input and desired behavior? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to develop a tool that would make designing sensor-based interactions as easy as performing […]
Smart Home Care Network Using Distributed Vision-Based Reasoning
From The Theme HUMAN MACHINE INTERACTION AND SENSING WHAT IF? What if we could develop a Smart Home Care Network that would enable the elderly to live independently while enjoying the assurance of timely access to caregivers? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to develop a self-organizing, distributed network of image sensors […]
Detection of Comprehension & Emotion from Real-time Video Capture of Facial Expressions
From The Theme HUMAN MACHINE INTERACTION AND SENSING WHAT IF? What if we could automatically detect how well someone is comprehending information presented on a computer screen, based on the emotions they display? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to assess the effects of emotion on comprehension, using educational systems already in […]