Science and Technology of Feedback Conference set for November 17th

The meidaX half-day Conference will focus on feedback. Feedback is one of the most fundamental elements of human communication. When and how feedback is given influences its results. From interpersonal interactions to human-machine feedback systems, our communication with each other and with technology is changing. Increasingly, our devices are taking on social roles.
The event will take place on November 17th from 4:15pm-7:30pm and will be held at the CERAS Learning Hall in Room 101. Some of the Speakers you’ll hear from:
James Landay: Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University
Jeremy Bailenson: Associate Professor of Communication, Stanford University
Renate Fruchter: Founding Director of PBL Lab, Stanford University
Nik Martelaro: PhD Candidate Mechanical Engineering, Stanford University
Hiroshi Tomita: President Konica Minolta Laboratory, USA Inc.
Maurits Kaptein: Co-founder and Chief Scientist of PersuasionAPI.
For more information and to register for this conference please CLICK HERE