#mediaX2016 Conference Presentations Are Available

With recent research presentations and hands-on cutting edge demos, the #mediaX2016 delved into the present and future of augmenting personal intelligence. “Augmenting Personal Intelligence” refers to the technologies, design and systems that enhance individual capacity. Researchers and industry experts shared their insights on how this frontier is revolutionizing learning, communication, entertainment and business. From using virtual reality to train NFL quarterbacks, to exploring the science of remembering, to improving political decision making with deep machine learning, the conference explored advances into this emerging approach. Read The #mediaX2016 Conference Summary HERE.
Fusing perspectives from both human sciences and information technology, accomplished Stanford researchers and private sector leaders from the mediaX community gathered on Tuesday, May 17 at the Arrillaga Alumni Center for the one-day conference, featuring talks from…
Roy Pea, Anthony Wagner, Andrew Wasserman, Juho Kim and Carl Wieman
and 5 panels;
Crowdsourcing Democracy and Governance
Augmenting Team Intelligence and Performance
Augmenting Intelligence at Scale
Augmenting Intelligence for Thinking and Perception
Augmenting Abilities.
Click the name or panel above to see the individual sessions or watch the talks in the playlist below.
Watch The Presentations:
See Photos From the #mediaX2016 Conference
Watch The St Lawrence String Quartet at the #mediaX2016 Dinner
St Lawrence String Quartet Updated Performance (May 2017)
The St Lawrence String Quartet has embarked on an ambitious new recording initiative: all of Joseph Haydn’s groundbreaking Opus 20 string quartets–arguably the world’s first great quartet masterpieces–in performances captured in glorious, cinematic HD video. The initiative, which makes the SLSQ’s famously engaging and dynamic performances available worldwide and completely free on YouTube, begins with Op. 20 no. 3 in g minor and will be followed by the other five quartets later in 2017.