POSTPONED! Double-Distributed Architecture: A Culture-mimetic Approach for Designing Resilient Sustainable Systems

In accordance with the new Stanford University policy aimed at stopping the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus), this seminar is currently postponed. We hope to reschedule for a later date. If a new date is available we will announce it in the near future.

Designing In-situ Interaction with Ubiquitous Robots

Lawrence Kim is a PhD candidate in Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University where he is advised by Sean Follmer. His research lies at the intersection of human-computer interaction, robotics, and haptics with a focus on studying the interaction with multi-robot systems. He has received best paper and best paper honorable mention awards at CHI and UIST, and a Fast Company's honorable mention award in Innovation by Design. He is also a recipient of a Samsung Scholarship.

Research at the Service of Free Knowledge

Leila Zia is a Principal Research Scientist and the Head of the Research team at the Wikimedia Foundation, the foundation that operates Wikipedia and its sister projects. Her research interests include quantifying and addressing the gaps of knowledge in Wikipedia and Wikidata, understanding Wikipedia's readers, and studying the contributor diversity on Wikimedia projects. She received her PhD from Stanford University in Management Science and Engineering.

Enterprise Innovation Workshop

On October 25th, 2019 mediaX will hold a day-long workshop for mediaX members, on enterprise innovation. The workshop will be open to people from mediaX-affiliated organizations and will focus on strategies for enterprises to leverage foundational assets with startup energy and ingenuity.

Algorithms and Analytics: Connecting the Learner and the Learning

Join us October 23, 2019 in CERAS #101 from 8:30am to 4:45pm as experts and members in the mediaX community explore the frontiers of learning algorithms and analytics that connect learners with learning including; Measuring what Matters in Learning, Designing Learning Experiences and Algorithms for Conversation and Developing Metatags for Open Exchange.

Re-envisioning the “Seat-Time” Algorithm in Education

This panel panel features Esther Wojcicki, Larry Rosenstock and Shelley Goldman who will explore organizational change in the educational context, with a particular focus on adapting definitions of in-school learning to benefit student empowerment.

Pre-Release Screening of The Report

mediaX in conjunction with Amazon Studios and The Stanford National Security & the Law Society invite you a special screening of the upcoming movie The Report. There will be a reception starting at 5p, the screening at 6p and Q&A with Scott Z Burns at 8p.

Innovation Ecosystems for Future Communities

This half day program fills a critical gap for innovation by focusing on relationship-based innovation networks to cross-fertilize ideas and concepts among innovation strategists and practitioners who understand the mutual dependency of people and information tech, especially in a city of the future.

2019 Disruptive Technology & Digital Cities Summit

This year, the summit on June 3rd and 4th will focus is on “Crossing the Data Layer Through Mobility,” and will look at how new advances in material sciences, robotics, electric cars, cyber-security, autonomous vehicles, and artificial intelligence will impact the exchange of data to create new insights in urban settings.