Force Input Device for Graphical Environment Tweaking (FIDGET)

From The Theme SENSING AND COMPUTING WHAT IF What if we could provide natural interactions with 3D environments? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to develop a handheld physical input device that would allow designers to use their dexterity—the whole hand, both hands, perhaps even the whole body— in interacting with graphical […]

Virtual Sensor Networks

From The Theme ADVANCED HUMAN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES WHAT IF? What if we could use sensors to seamlessly exchange information between virtual worlds and the physical world? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to develop a sensor network for a virtual world, and to develop protocols and tools that combine Virtual and real-world […]

Virtual Jurisdictions

From The Theme ADVANCED HUMAN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES WHAT IF? What if we could learn how the use of virtual world technology influences individual communication and interaction, and explore the development of legal regimes to govern virtual communities? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to explore how the physics and community of virtual […]


From The Theme ADVANCED HUMAN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES WHAT IF? What if we could develop new technological solutions for virtual 3D worlds and apply these for high-level cultural programming and education? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to experiment with a new “mixed” reality model of curatorial practice, meshing physical and virtual worlds […]

ShowMeTellMe: Multimodal Learning Experience Mediated by the Future Interactive Paper TextBook

From The Theme ADVANCED HUMAN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES WHAT IF? What if learning materials could support input, feedback and interaction between users – learners, instructors, authors, mentors etc? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO Input, feedback, and interaction among learners, instructors, mentors and authors are key to facilitating questioning and thinking. Using a scenario-based approach, this […]