The Stanford Clinical Anatomy SCAnS Library
From The Theme FUTURE OF CONTENT WHAT IF What if learning about human anatomy and biology in today’s digital world was enriched by the ability to view and interact with 3D volumetric CT scans? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We made Stanford 3D high resolution anatomical CT scans available to middle and high school […]
Physical Media as Active Social Learning Agents
From The Theme FUTURE OF CONTENT WHAT IF What if the object being created takes the role of an active social agent in the creative experience and can increase engagement for learning? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to develop the theory and principles necessary to design new physical media that can […]
A Journey from Islands of Knowledge to Mutual Understanding in Global Business Meetings
From The Theme KNOWLEDGE WORKER PRODUCTIVITY WHAT IF What if we could use technology to make meetings in a global business environment more effective? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to develop a model and tool to promote mutual understanding among global teams, and improve knowledge worker productivity during distributed team meetings. […]
Real-Time Social Communications Environments for Online Class Engagement and Peer to Peer Learning
From The Theme DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS WHAT IF What if we could understand how different tools and methods of online course interaction can influence student outcomes? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to investigate how different types of digital communication tools affect student/student and student/instructor interactions online. Researchers considered the impact of […]