AI for Culturally Relevant Interactions Presentations are Available
Relive the talks featuring academia and industry thought leaders in the emerging arena of cultural and societal interactions with big data, machine learning and artificial intelligence.
Recasting the Textbook
From The Theme PUBLISH ON DEMAND WHAT IF What if active engagement in building stories of history helped students evaluate the sources of information and better understand the perspectives from which history is written? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We recast the history textbook as an edited on- demand, collaborative collection of historical narratives. […]
Contests as a Catalyst for Content Creation
From The Theme FUTURE OF CONTENT WHAT IF What if youth were actively creating and sharing educational web-based content, learning from their own practice and from the work of others? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to study how various contest structures foster the creation of science content by K-12 students. We […]
A New Generation of Hybrid Tangible Interfaces for Learning
From The Theme FUTURE OF CONTENT WHAT IF What if we could combine online experimentation with wetlab experiences for science and engineering education? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to develop and test a scalable and cost-effective platform that combined the best features of online open education with the established benefits of […]
The Stanford Clinical Anatomy SCAnS Library
From The Theme FUTURE OF CONTENT WHAT IF What if learning about human anatomy and biology in today’s digital world was enriched by the ability to view and interact with 3D volumetric CT scans? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We made Stanford 3D high resolution anatomical CT scans available to middle and high school […]
Lacuna Stories
From The Theme DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS WHAT IF What if we could provide an online platform for social reading, writing and annotation? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to expand and improve data collection and analysis for Lacuna Stories, a project of Stanford’s Poetic Media Lab. Lacuna Stories is an open-source, online […]
Developing a Diagnostic of Mindset Promoting Practices
From The Theme DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS WHAT IF What if we could understand how student attitudes towards mental effort and challenge affect learning outcomes? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to better understand growth mindsets and learning outcomes by investigating and potentially influencing student attitudes and beliefs around challenge and mental effort. […]
The Labor Market Effects of Digital Learning: Evidence from a Field Experiment
From The Theme DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS WHAT IF What if we could provide evidence of the current effects of digital learning on labor market outcomes? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We conducted a “resume audit” field experiment to examine how MOOC credentials influence the employability of job applicants, beginning with a focus on software […]
Language, Race & Cognition Using Digital Text
From The Theme DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS WHAT IF What if we could investigate how different racial representations impact student learning experiences via digital media? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to explore how race and culture impact students’ learning and sense of belonging in the classroom. Our research investigated how altering racial […]