Building Trust Through the Intersection of Data & Technology in Healthcare
In this session, Tina Hernandez-Boussard looks at how big data and advanced technologies play an increasingly significant role in our health and the healthcare we receive, paving the way for more efficient and equitable healthcare systems.
Concussion Education Reimagined
Ryan Burns is a Product Manager at TeachAids, a world leader in designing, producing, and distributing health education used in 82 countries. At TeachAids, he works on the CrashCourse product suite, which is designed to provide athletes, parents, coaches, and the sports community with the latest medical knowledge on the prevention and treatment of concussions […]
Attention and Engagement for Teamwork
Renate Fruchter is the founding director of the Project Based Learning Laboratory (PBL Lab), lecturer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Senior Research Engineer thrust leader of “Collaboration Technologies” at the Center for Integrated Facilities Engineering (CIFE), at Stanford. She leads a research effort to develop collaboration technologies for multidisciplinary, geographically distributed […]

Ecosystemic Resilience in Uncertain Times
Martha Russell examines how we are interconnected in this networked world. Our networks are physical – they connect under the sea through fiber and above the atmosphere with microwaves; our networks are virtual – through people, through media and through expectations.

Surmounting Data Barriers on Global Health Solutions
Around the world, people want to get back to work safely and responsibly. However, strategies for rebooting local, national and global economies are throttled by inadequacies in data and their networks. Marsali Hancock discusses her insights on this important issue.
Ecosystemic Resilience in Uncertain Times
June 9, 2020
The “Thinking Tools for Wicked Problems” webinar series concludes with Martha Russell as she examines how we are interconnected in this networked world and how to orchestrate relational capital and shared vision to create the future we want to live in.
Surmounting Data Barriers on Global Health Solutions
April 14, 2020
Around the world, people want to get back to work safely and responsibly. However, strategies for rebooting local, national and global economies are throttled by inadequacies in data and their networks. This event kicks off the mediaX webinar series "Thinking Tools for Wicked Problems", and Marsali Hancock will discuss her insights on this important issue.

Robotics for Human Resilience
mediaX Distinguished Visiting Scholar Neil Jacobstein addresses the importance of using robots during the COVID-19 pandemic period and beyond as bobotics can be framed as a useful set of tools for seamless extensions of our ability to do local work remotely.

mediaX Thought Leader Helps Find That Search Results Are Not Biased Along Party Lines
In an audit of search media results for every candidate running for federal office in the 2018 U.S. election, Professor Jeff Hancock found no evidence of political bias for or against either party.