Futures Literacy for Cultural Relevance and Organizational Leadership
May 18, 2021
The 2021 Global Innovation Leadership Program asks, How might we imagine the future? That we might be confident enough to innovate radically in changes that invest in tomorrow’s sustainable well-being and prosperity.
Imagining Alternatives with Immersive Engineering
Kenji Suzuki is the Vice-President of AISIN AW Co., LTD. He is also holding the AISIN SEIKI Connected Sharing Solution Company President and AISIN SEIKI Chief Digital Officer concurrently. Kenji has many years of experience managing big automotive Tier 1 suppliers. He is leading to create solutions and provide values that solve social issues from […]
Reimagine Collaboration
Renate Fruchter is the founding director of the Project Based Learning Laboratory (PBL Lab), lecturer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Senior Research Engineer thrust leader of “Collaboration Technologies” at the Center for Integrated Facilities Engineering (CIFE), at Stanford. She leads a research effort to develop collaboration technologies for multidisciplinary, geographically distributed […]
Engineering for Tactile/Haptic Thresholds
Allison Okamura is currently Professor in the mechanical engineering department at Stanford University, with a courtesy appointment in computer science. She was previously Professor and Vice-Chair of mechanical engineering at Johns Hopkins University. She is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the journal IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. She has been an associate editor of the IEEE […]
Attention and Engagement for Teamwork
Renate Fruchter is the founding director of the Project Based Learning Laboratory (PBL Lab), lecturer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Senior Research Engineer thrust leader of “Collaboration Technologies” at the Center for Integrated Facilities Engineering (CIFE), at Stanford. She leads a research effort to develop collaboration technologies for multidisciplinary, geographically distributed […]

Immersion for Learning
What are the human requirements for learning in immersive environments?

Immersion for Collaboration
What are the human requirements for collaboration and teamwork in immersive environments?
Immersive Technologies for Collaboration
July 27, 2020
In this first-of-kind, the Very Virtual Retreat we will use existing and emerging technologies to leverage experiences and insights from the mediaX membership community of scholars, researchers, instructors and learners focusing on immersive technologies for collaborating.

Ecosystemic Resilience in Uncertain Times
Martha Russell examines how we are interconnected in this networked world. Our networks are physical – they connect under the sea through fiber and above the atmosphere with microwaves; our networks are virtual – through people, through media and through expectations.