Highlights + Reflections

The Highlights + Reflections book features six virtuous cycles of inspiration and insights during two decades (2001-2022). Each topic is highlighted somewhat chronologically on how the evolution of fundamental socio-technical and cultural changes influenced the dialogues between academic and business colleagues, and how those intersections influenced industry-inspired, faculty-driven inquiry at Stanford University. As examples of exploratory paths, these six broad topics call to mind the mix of context, values and competences required to address complex socio-technical systems in mutually beneficial relationships. They are highlights, like skipping stones across deep pools of knowledge. You may download the book using the link below. Explore the mediaX website for further information.
Featured Content:
*About mediaX
*Reflections on mediaX
Engagement, Games and Learning
Immersive and Virtual Environments
Bots and Intelligent Agents
Sensing and Feedback
Trust, Technology and Transparency
Thinking Models and Tools
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Learn More & Download the mediaX Questions for the Future
If you’d like to connect with Martha Russell, Executive Director of mediaX at Stanford University, you can send her an email at martha.russell@stanford.edu.