mediaX Hosts Workforce & Learning Pathways In A Period Of Dynamic Change Conference

Productive citizens, thriving employees and a fluid exchange of information are all essential for a high performance future. Dynamic changes to the nature of work require continual learning and reskilling for current employees, and raise concerns about an inadequate pipeline of new, tech savvy, high-skill personnel.
“Technology is not simply an amplifier,” explains Roy Pea, Professor of Education and the Learning Sciences and Faculty Director of mediaX at Stanford University, “it re-organizes the activity systems in which learning, conversation, work, and representational practices are achieved.” Workforce and learning pathways are shifting.
These issues are at the heart of the October 6, 2017 mediaX Conference on Workforce & Learning Pathways in a Period of Dynamic Change, held at the Arrillaga Alumni Center from 8:30am to 5:30pm. The all day event will feature thought leaders from Stanford University and beyond, exploring the global economic, social and political impact of these changes, highlighting market shaping forces, pathways for mobility, systems thinking, and educational transformation. A no cost registration is required.
Presenters include David Grusky, Director of the Center on Poverty and Inequality (CPI) and Professor of Sociology at Stanford University, as well as Van Ton Quinlivan, Vice Chancellor for Workforce and Economic Development in California’s Community Colleges. Attendees will hear from Roy Pea, Professor of Education and the Learning Sciences and Co-founder and Faculty Director of the Human Sciences and Technology Advanced Research (H-STAR) Institute, and Martin Carnoy, Professor of Education and Co-Director of the Lemann Center, as well as Alex Kass, who leads the research program on social collaboration at Accenture Technology Labs, and Chris Jacobs, Director and Head of Global Certifications for Cisco.
CLICK HERE for speaker bios and presentations
The topics addressed at this conference reflect the timely interests of mediaX members, which include global companies whose products and services are built on insights from the intersection of human sciences and information technologies. These companies understand that their personal interests are intertwined with the wellbeing and productivity of their workforce – be it knowledge workers or manufacturers.
They recognize the growing role that artificial intelligence, robotics and machine learning will play in the work done by their employees, and the impact on required skill sets. They are interested in how smart buildings, environments and contexts are transforming our understanding of work, and they support life long learning and training for their current and future employees – as well as for themselves. Additional conference information and registration can be found here.
mediaX research projects and events such as this conference highlight the contributions of industry/university partnerships, in which academic research and scholarship can benefit from on the ground testing in real world scenarios, while industry can benefit from the forward thinking vision and insights of academic researchers.