International Multi-University Sprint for Public Knowledge

Stanford student, Joseph Nicolis, and PKP team members, Alex Garnett and Juan Alperin (Stanford PhD), were joined by David Asao from Konica Minolta, member of mediaX at Stanford University. Joseph led a small team dedicated to improving the automated evaluation framework he’s been implementing in conjunction with John Willinsky, Khosla Family Professor in the Stanford Graduate School of Education, and PI for the Smarter Scholarly Texts project.
Conference participants Paolo Marques from Simon Fraser University and Anne Vikhrova from the Université Grenoble Alpes joined the collaborators and discussed their research; Dulip Withanage discussed work on the WYSIWYG editor underway at Heidelberg University. Concurrently to the Vancouver sprint, Alex worked remotely with PKP contract developer Chris Maden on adding new modules to the parsing stack.
In collaboration with SFU’s Canadian Institute for Studies in Publishing and the Electronic Textual Cultures Lab / Digital Humanities Summer Institute at the University of Victoria, the fifth PKP scholarly publishing conference is an opportunity for participants to engage on the topics related to building open infrastructure and programs for digital humanities, publishing, and libraries.