In Memory of Cliff I. Nass

Cliff Nass founded and directed the Communication between Humans and Interactive Media (CHIMe) Lab, which focuses on the psychology and design of how people interact with technology, the CARS Lab, a research community that is re-envisioning the automobile, and the REVS Program at Stanford University, which focuses on a transdisciplinary approach to the past, present and future of the automobile.
Professor Nass co-authored with Byron Reeves The Media Equation: How People Treat Computers, Television, and New Media Like Real People and Place; he has written Wired for Speech: How Voice Activates and Advances the Human-Computer Relationship, with Scott Brave and The Man Who Lied to His Laptop: What Computers Teach Us about Human Relationships, with Corina Yen.
Read the Stanford News Atricle by Kathleen J. Sullivan on Cliff’s Passing HERE
Professor Nass published over 125 papers on the experimental psychology of technology. He consulted on the design of over 250 interactive products and services for leading technology and consumer-electronics companies. Cliff was a great supporter of mediaX, and we miss him everyday.
Videos with Cliff
The Art and Science of Feedback
TEDxStanford, May 11, 2013: Are You Multitasking Your Life Away?
mediaX 2013 Conference, January 8, 2013: The Psychology of Media and Its Implications
mediaX 2011Summer Conference: The Mainstream Adoption of Social Media
mediaX 2011Summer Conference: Multitasking and Its Effects on Concentration
mediaX Research Projects
Designing Embodied Speaking Agents to Maximize Learning and Engagement
Cross Cultural Characters and Avatars: eLearning Analysis
Fundamental Modeling Framework for Multiple Contexts: Psychology and Design of Phase II Social Agent Architecture
Real-time Recognition of Evoked Emotions Using Facial Feature Tracking and Physiological Responses
Revealing and Using Emotion Detection
Do you know I’m happy? Revealing Detection in Affective Computing
Receiver-Centered Model for Mobile Phones: A Series of User Studies and Experiments
Interacting with Integrated Information
Designing Technologies that Mediate Human Social Interaction: Strategies for Effective Cooperation and Collaboration
Physical Media As Active Social Learning Agents
Remembering Cliff
I was saddened to read about Cliff Nass’s death. He was a dear colleague with whom I enjoyed arguing and trading life stories. This from the CHI 2003 conference, a happy argumentation. Sincerely… Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland
I am very sorry for your loss and my condolences to his family and academic family Esther Baldwin, Intel
Cliff was such an amazing life force and brilliant academic. Davis Masten, mediaX Distinguished Visiting Scholar
Please accept my sincere condolences for the sudden loss of Prof. Cliff Nass last week. Not only was he a great professor, he was also an excellent adviser to provide insight into industry. He had an amazing sense of humor and was a gifted storyteller. He was an exceptional professor who will be deeply missed by all who knew him. Tammy Lee, Samsung
My condolences to everyone who worked closely with him. He was an amazing thinker and I remember his talks and debates at various Media X events vividly. We’re all going to miss the benefit of his insights into this massive techno-social experiment we’re running. It’s a big loss. Baldwin Cheng, Common Sense Media
I’m sorry for your loss. Laura Lorenzo
Please transfer my condolences to Mr. Nass’s family. We (from HKUST) attended Mr. Nass”s lesson in Sept., and he left us with very nice impressions. I don’t know how to express my feeling now······ Jianping Lee from Beijing
I was shocked to hear about this news, and am saddened by the loss of Cliff, whose writings have been influential to my own work in media psychology. Academic influence aside, he was a warm, witty and very bright man. I very much enjoyed the few encounters we had – I’m sorry there won’t be more in the future. Also on behalf of my colleagues at the HTI group in Eindhoven, please let the people at Stanford Communication Dept. know our thoughts are with you. Prof. Rr. Wijnand IJsselsteijn, Cognition and Affect in Human-Technology Interaction
I have read and recommended his books – particularly the man who lied to his computer. My condolences on your loss. Brad Holz, Scion
We are very surprised and sad because of the death of Prof. Cliff Nass. I remember his brilliant presentation at the mediaX event in January this year…As a matter of fact, I think that was the best presentation of the event. Marcelo Guimaraes, Sabia Experience
This is profoundly sad news. He will be so missed. Stephen Fox, VTT
I am very sorry to hear of the sudden death of Cliff. May I express my sympathy and condolences to his family. We have lost someone special. His smile will always be on our mind. Kishio Tamura, Konica Minolta
I am shocked to read that Cliff passed away so soon. We will miss him dearly as he brought us deep scientific knowledge in an enthusiastic and warm manner. A truly remarkable personality whom I admired and looked forward to work with! Fred Boekhorst, Philips
Just amazing and so sad. He was in the prime of his career. Ramesh Johari, MS&E Stanford
My path crossed Cliff’s many times during my years at Stanford. Each such encounter was fascinating, inspiring and fun. I always left with new knowledge and new ideas, but also with the pleasure one has when meeting a really nice human being. How sad that I will not encounter him again. Parvati Dev, mediaX Distinguished Visiting Scholar
So sorry to hear! He will be missed. Neerja Raman, mediaX Distinguished Visiting Scholar
I’m so sorry to read of this sad news about Cliff. Far too soon to lose so wonderful a mind and heart. I’m recalling Cliff’s insights and spirit be as a blessing for us moving forward. Bruce Cahan, Urban Logic
Cliff’s amazing intellect and warm-hearted conversations enriched the lives of many in the mediaX community. Mine, to be sure. On the two by two charts he showed, he would be a bright star at the intersection of happy and energetic. I will miss him. Martha Russell, mediaX at Stanford University