Guerrilla Audio: Do It Yourself By Any Means Necessary!
Interactive media and games increasingly pervade and shape our society. In addition to their dominant roles in entertainment, videogames play growing roles in education, arts, science and health. These talks bring together a diverse set of experts to provide interdisciplinary perspectives on these media regarding their history, technologies, scholarly research, industry, artistic value and potential future. As the speakers and title suggest, the series also provides a topical lens for the diverse aspects of our lives.
Join us TUESDAY’S From September 26th until November 28th at our NEW TIME 4:30pm-6pm in our NEW LOCATION: Jordan Hall RM 41.
Can’t make it to the talk, but have a question for Darren? Submit your question HERE and it will be asked. By submitting your question, you’re allowing mediaX to use and record your submission.
Also co-listed as one-unit course BIOE196 and CS544. For more information contact
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Darren Korb, Guerrilla Audio: Do It Yourself By Any Means Necessary!. Darren began working in games with no game development experience, no sound design experience, and a whole lot of questions! In this talk, he'll discuss techniques for getting a lot of bang-for-your-audio-buck, and ramping up your understanding of sound implementation in games as quickly as possible.
Darren Korb is the award winning Composer and Audio Director for Supergiant Games. He has composed the music, generated sound effects, and recorded voiceover for all three of the studio's titles: Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre. He has presented at the Game Developers Conference, Dakota State University, the Boston Festival of Indie Games, the Penny Arcade Expo, and MAGFest. He is also the 2010 national Rock Band champion.