Can a Trusted Intermediary Transform Systems Into Interoperable Ecosystems?
Ajay Madhok and Drummond Reed, two digital identity architects, explore a new path to trusted intermediaries for an everything-connected world where our interactions are increasingly moving online.

Building Trust Through the Intersection of Data & Technology in Healthcare
In this session, Tina Hernandez-Boussard looks at how big data and advanced technologies play an increasingly significant role in our health and the healthcare we receive, paving the way for more efficient and equitable healthcare systems.
Building a Trusted Agent to Facilitate Human Flourishing
November 5, 2020
Keith Coleman and Ming Fu will look at how we can leverage trust in the science of well-being during times of uncertainty as well as how positive psychology conversational tech platforms can intermediate, meeting people where they are, adding a personal fit for mental health practice.
Can a Trusted Intermediary Transform Systems Into Interoperable Ecosystems?
October 22, 2020
Ajay Madhok and Drummond Reed explore a new path to trusted intermediaries for an everything-connected world and how those intermediaries, through systems and ecosystems, can serve to build trust networks between people in education and wellness.

Can Consistent Trust Decisions Bring People Back to Work?
Bringing people back-to-work is a grand challenge that requires more than wearing masks, and conforming to hygiene, screening, and distancing. A key component of reopening the economy will be more Testing to establish trust and inform safer behaviors. Ajay Madhock dives into this issue.
Can Consistent Trust Decisions Bring People Back to Work?
May 19, 2020
Bringing people back-to-work is a grand challenge that requires more than wearing masks, and conforming to hygiene, screening, and distancing. A key component of reopening the economy will be more Testing to establish trust and inform safer behaviors. Ajay Madhock looks at this issue in the next “Thinking Tools for Wicked Problems” webinar.

mediaX Thought Leader Helps Find That Search Results Are Not Biased Along Party Lines
In an audit of search media results for every candidate running for federal office in the 2018 U.S. election, Professor Jeff Hancock found no evidence of political bias for or against either party.
Interacting with Integrated Information
From The Theme ONLINE MEDIA CONTENT WHAT IF What if we could determine the requirements to support user interaction with systems that integrate information from multiple sources? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to investigate user responses to content that filters, summarizes or synthesizes information from disparate sources. Our exploration included the […]
Trust, Reputation, and Anonymity in Peer to Peer Publishing and Content
From The Theme ONLINE MEDIA CONTENT WHAT IF What if we could develop a truly fair, comprehensive and anonymous mechanism for assigning reputation ratings to self-published work online? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to explore reputation systems, with a focus on the feasibility of algorithmic techniques that address the issues of […]