Leveraging Team Information Interactions to Reveal Project Workflows

From The Theme KNOWLEDGE WORKER PRODUCTIVITY WHAT IF What if we could improve the productivity of knowledge workers by developing information management tools that are capable of communicating design processes? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to develop a tool that contributed to knowledge workers’ process and productivity by providing project teams […]

Digital Estate and Identity in the New Landscape of Work

From The Theme MEMORY, ESTATE AND LEGACIES IN A DIGITAL WORLD WHAT IF What if we could track and understand the variety of factors influencing the ways that digital media might enable and constrain identity during a person’s entire work life? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO Our goal is to develop the first comprehensive […]

The Labor Market Effects of Digital Learning: Evidence from a Field Experiment

From The Theme DIGITAL LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS WHAT IF What if we could provide evidence of the current effects of digital learning on labor market outcomes? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We conducted a “resume audit” field experiment to examine how MOOC credentials influence the employability of job applicants, beginning with a focus on software […]