Using Immersive Environments for Transportation Training
Tomás Nascimento is a senior technician with SEST SENAT in Brazil. He has worked on projects such as the acquisition of driving simulators, which included the development of innovative educational and technological proposals and the acquisition of more than 130 driving simulators throughout Brazil. Tomás graduated with a degree in communication and has a Masters […]
Immersion and Learning
Anna Queiroz is a researcher at the Virtual Human Interaction Lab at Stanford University. Anna is in charge of the educational efforts using virtual reality at the Virtual Human Interaction Lab at Stanford University. Her research focus on cognitive and effective implications of new media and technology in learning, attitude and behavior change. She is […]
Attention and Engagement for Teamwork
Renate Fruchter is the founding director of the Project Based Learning Laboratory (PBL Lab), lecturer in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, and Senior Research Engineer thrust leader of “Collaboration Technologies” at the Center for Integrated Facilities Engineering (CIFE), at Stanford. She leads a research effort to develop collaboration technologies for multidisciplinary, geographically distributed […]

Drop Dead Happy
Drop Dead Happy is a simple idea for mediaX Distinguished Visiting Scholar Davis Masten. He wants his life span and his health span to give out on the same day. Preferably a day where he’s happy. In this post, Davis shares his very personal journey.
Harnessing the Psychological Power of Virtual Reality to Enhance Leadership in High Diversity Teams in STEM
From The Theme POTENTIAL, PERFORMANCE AND PRODUCTIVITY WHAT IF What if We could use VR to enhance leadership training and capacity for a diverse workforce? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to explore whether professional success in a virtual environment can have “spill over” effects in the real world, and to measure […]
Pragmatics of Computer Assisted Communication and Communication about Virtual Worlds
From The Theme ADVANCED HUMAN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES WHAT IF? What if we could investigate the interaction of discourse and presence in virtual worlds? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to conduct a preliminary exploration of the notion of “spatial presence” in virtual environments – the sense of “being there” that users of […]
Exploring the Virtual in the Physical and the Physical in the Virtual
From The Theme ADVANCED HUMAN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES WHAT IF? What if we could examine how individuals experience and behave in physical places that are augmented with layers of digital information, and in virtual places that are augmented with layers of physical information? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to explore the role […]
Real Time Tracking, Detecting and Correcting of Motion
From The Theme ADVANCED HUMAN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES WHAT IF? What if a virtual reality tracking & rendering system could automatically detect when your physical motion deviated from the optimal path, and show you exactly what you did wrong – replaying your motion on an avatar that looks just like you? WHAT WE SET OUT TO […]
A New Generation of Hybrid Tangible Interfaces for Learning
From The Theme FUTURE OF CONTENT WHAT IF What if we could combine online experimentation with wetlab experiences for science and engineering education? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to develop and test a scalable and cost-effective platform that combined the best features of online open education with the established benefits of […]