Learning English via Robust Conversation
From The Theme LEARNING AND TRAINING WHAT IF What if language learners could practice conversation with a computerized system capable of offering feedback and evaluation? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to develop a natural language processing engine to help language learners practice conversation. The engine needed to be robust when interpreting […]
Spatial Meaning Constraints in Visual Language Reading
From The Theme SOCIAL AND COMPUTING SCIENCES WHAT IF What if we could study how people process text and images in order to better understand the parameters of visual language? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to explore the perceptual constraints available for processing meaning from the textual and spatial features of […]
Rich and Dynamic Treebank for HPSG* (Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar)
From The Theme SOCIAL AND COMPUTING SCIENCES WHAT IF What if we could advance the capabilities of Natural Language Processing (NLP) by developing a parsed text database, or treebank, that was rich, flexible and dynamic? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to design and develop a dynamic parsed text database (or treebank) […]
Communication, Computation and Cognition
From The Theme SOCIAL AND COMPUTING SCIENCES WHAT IF? What if we could explore the intersection between communication, computation and cognition? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to build research networks between people in Stanford and Europe, and together explore links between language, information and cognitive science. WHAT WE FOUND We organized […]