Harnessing the Psychological Power of Virtual Reality to Enhance Leadership in High Diversity Teams in STEM
From The Theme POTENTIAL, PERFORMANCE AND PRODUCTIVITY WHAT IF What if We could use VR to enhance leadership training and capacity for a diverse workforce? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to explore whether professional success in a virtual environment can have “spill over” effects in the real world, and to measure […]
Exploring the Virtual in the Physical and the Physical in the Virtual
From The Theme ADVANCED HUMAN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES WHAT IF? What if we could examine how individuals experience and behave in physical places that are augmented with layers of digital information, and in virtual places that are augmented with layers of physical information? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to explore the role […]
Digital Estate and Identity in the New Landscape of Work
From The Theme MEMORY, ESTATE AND LEGACIES IN A DIGITAL WORLD WHAT IF What if we could track and understand the variety of factors influencing the ways that digital media might enable and constrain identity during a person’s entire work life? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO Our goal is to develop the first comprehensive […]