A Silver Lining in Pandemic Disruption to Learning in Schools
Esther Wojcicki shares her expertise and personal insights into the disruption of schools during the pandemic. The discussion will focus on the commonality of learning principles at all age levels and how we can best employ them.
DIVER (Digital Interactive Video Exploration and Reflection) ROMP (Research on Online Media Personalization)
From The Theme ONLINE MEDIA CONTENT WHAT IF What if we could develop and study a mechanism for managing media content that preserves media companies’ digital rights, while providing consumers with new video expression and sharing functions? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to conduct research that would simulate the provision of […]
Interacting with Integrated Information
From The Theme ONLINE MEDIA CONTENT WHAT IF What if we could determine the requirements to support user interaction with systems that integrate information from multiple sources? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to investigate user responses to content that filters, summarizes or synthesizes information from disparate sources. Our exploration included the […]
Virtual Jurisdictions
From The Theme ADVANCED HUMAN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES WHAT IF? What if we could learn how the use of virtual world technology influences individual communication and interaction, and explore the development of legal regimes to govern virtual communities? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to explore how the physics and community of virtual […]
From The Theme ADVANCED HUMAN COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES WHAT IF? What if we could develop new technological solutions for virtual 3D worlds and apply these for high-level cultural programming and education? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to experiment with a new “mixed” reality model of curatorial practice, meshing physical and virtual worlds […]
Transparent Social Footprints
From The Theme PUBLISH ON DEMAND WHAT IF What if we could help media companies increase revenue by tracking the “social footprints” of their audiences? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We wanted to examine the requirements needed to develop prototypes for metrics and tools to support media organizations in the shift from print to […]
TweakCorps: Re-targeting Existing Webpages for Diverse Devices and Users
From The Theme PUBLISH ON DEMAND WHAT IF What if there were a machine learning algorithm that could identify and label design elements of web pages? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We focused on one popular class of semantic identifiers – those concerned with the structure (information architecture) of a page. Across webpages, there […]
Contests as a Catalyst for Content Creation
From The Theme FUTURE OF CONTENT WHAT IF What if youth were actively creating and sharing educational web-based content, learning from their own practice and from the work of others? WHAT WE SET OUT TO DO We set out to study how various contest structures foster the creation of science content by K-12 students. We […]