Social and Computing Sciences
What insights about people and technology are needed to better understand the cognitive, behavioral and visual aspects of information processing?
To help answer this question, mediaX sponsored five research projects that leveraged social science perspectives for a deeper understanding of human interactions with computers, mobile devices and other digital technologies.
Research initiatives highlighted projects that explored the intersection between language, information and cognitive science, including research into technologies for natural language processing, as well as visual information processing. Projects also examined persuasion for behavior change via mobile devices, and the use of interactive technologies for learning by having students teach a computerized agent.
Research Initiatives
Johan van Benthem: Communication, Computers and Cognition
Christopher Manning: Rich and Dynamic Treebank for Head-driven Phrase Structure Grammar (HPSG)
Dan Schwartz: The Willful Pupil Project
Barbara Tversky: Spacial Meaning Constraints in Visual Language Reading