Potential, Performance and Productivity
What insights about people and technology are needed to better understand potential, performance and productivity in the workplace?
Technical advances in neuroscience, human and computer intelligence, machine learning, robotics, and predictive algorithms were transforming many aspects of the employee experience. In this context, understanding the interface between people and information technologies took on increased importance for educators, HR, employers and employees. Insights from research had broad applications for tools, processes and services for individual, team and organizational performance, as well as for professional development and employee training. Both digital and analog methods inform development pathways, structure agile teams, foster collaboration, and improve performance, offering insights with important applications for education, training, practice metrics, and human resource management.
This research theme supported research that could lead to workforce insights about information technologies and human sciences for potential, performance and productivity of knowledge workers. The five projects below explored compelling opportunities that empowered leadership, learning, professional development, performance, productivity, and agile team construction and management.
Research Initiatives
Michael Bernstein & Margaret Levi: Vitae: Digital Hiring Halls for On Demand Workers
Pamela Hinds: Where are the Breakdowns? Surveying Unsuccessful and Failed Uses of Data