Future of Content

By enabling location-aware functions on mobile devices, users built the capacity of the location-aware devices they used in many different contexts. At the same time, new services that enabled learning, provide personalization, and assured integrity – trust, security and authenticity – were being developed for individuals and organizations. These changes impacted media content in learning environments of all types – higher education, K-12, continued education, and workplace education. These changes impacted the way individuals and organizations create and consume media content for learning purposes. They expand the meaning and opportunities for curation as well.
Across the entire innovation ecosystem of media, new technologies and new uses of them are creating a sea change in educational contexts, including:
*Creation – Whether by individuals, sensors, or algorithms; whether new, unbundled or re-bundled; and whether for administrative, pedagogical or entertainment purposes.
*Consumption – As random, targeted, rogue, authenticated, protected, and/or sharable objects move fluidly through the environments in which education occurs.
*Curation – Whether ephemeral, dynamically updated, or archived by an individual an organization, or a data-driven, automated service.
At its core, each project builds on prior research and is intended to serve as a foundation for future research.
Paulo Blikstein: A New Generation of Hybrid Tangible Interfaces for Learning
The Late Cliff Nass: Physical Media as Active Social Learning Agents
Sakti Srivastava: The Stanford Clinical Anatomy (SCAnS) Library