Future Questions – Trust Enhancing Technologies
This question, and others, have been contributed by mediaX faculty and industry affiliates through interviews about priorities for the future.
mediaX invites YOU to consider these questions, refine and explore them, and – importantly – share what you’re working on to create a better future for all. We can do more together than any can do alone, so join the mediaXstanford LinkedIn community to identify critical issues (and solutions) for the future.
Question: Trust Enhancing Technologies
How might developments in information technologies facilitate interpersonal dynamics and interactions to foster and renew trusting and mutually beneficial relationships between people, between people and systems, and among systems?
a. How can technology be designed and deployed to empower individuals to build robust, multidimensional human-to-human connections?
b. How can socio-technical systems help us create collaborative and durable communities of trust?
c. How can rich media experiences be validated as authentic to foster trust, empathy and for deeper interpersonal bonds?
Questions for the Future have been enriched with results of mediaX research and programs over the past 21 years. Although mediaX programs have already initiated inquiries on some of these questions and organizations around the world are tackling one or more of them, the challenges are still considered open. These challenges are complex and concerted collaboration is needed to develop insights and implement solutions.