Watch mediaX Webinar: A Wicked Problem About Thinking: Cognitive Security
On May 5 2020, Brian Pierce a mediaX Distinguished Visiting Scholar and former Director and Deputy Director of the Information Innovation Office at the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) from 2014 to 2019 brought his in-depth knowledge to mediaX webinar series “Thinking Tools for Wicked Problems”.
Wicked problems are typical of open, nonlinear systems that involve people and machines. Cognitive Security is such a problem. Cognitive Security is concerned with protection against malicious online and offline influence at scales ranging from individuals to nation states, and is foundational to national security inclusive of the public and private sectors. Cognitive Security is presented in terms of three core elements: resilience, situational awareness, and engagement. Examples of techniques and technologies for these elements are then discussed, which include critical thinking for resilience, detection and attribution of manipulated media for situational awareness, and human-machine teaming that engages disinformation at the scale and speed needed in today’s highly connected world.
In this talk, Brian will address this critical issue:
1. Cognitive Security is concerned with protection against malicious online and offline influence.
2. Cognitive Security is foundational to national security inclusive of the public and private sectors.
3. Three core elements define Cognitive Security and its techniques and technologies: resilience, situational awareness, and engagement.
Please enjoy the highlights of this webinar.