AI for Culturally Relevant Interactions Further Information

mediaX Forum on AI for Culturally Relevant Interactions
Further Information

mediaX events address frontier issues on which insights from human sciences and information technologies – across many disciplines and sectors – can inform the questions framed for future research. We draw on the research experiences of academic and industry researchers to examine previous research results, in the light of current challenges.

Brain snacks and deep dives provoke integrative thinking of mediaX members and participants. Further information on chosen topics can inspire thoughtful consideration for conversations with colleagues.

Some selected readings from the speakers at the mediaX Forum on AI for culturally Relevant Interactions follow. Please share your reactions – and additional resources on Twitter using #AIandCulture.

Hazel Markus
Effron, D. A., Markus, H. R., Jackman, L. M., Muramoto, Y., Muluk, H. 2018. Hypocrisy and culture: Failing to practice what you preach receives harsher interpersonal reactions in independent (vs. interdependent) cultures. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 76, 371-384.
Markus, H. R. 2016. What moves people to action? Culture and motivation. Current Opinion in Psychology, 8(4), 161-166.
Markus, H. R., & Conner, A. C. 2014. Clash! How to thrive in a multicultural world. New York: Penguin (Hudson Street Press).
Hamedani, M. G., Markus, H. R., & Fu, A. S. 201). In the land of the free, interdependent action undermines motivation. Psychological Science, 24(2), 189-196.
Markus, H. R. & Kitayama, S. K. 2010. Cultures and selves: A cycle of mutual constitution. Perspectives on Psychological Science, 5(4), 420-430.
Markus, H., & Nurius, P. 1986. Possible selves. American Psychologist, 41 954-969.

Cory Kidd
Kidd, C.D. & Breaseal, C. 2008. Robots at home: Understanding long-term human-robot interaction. IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems.
Turkel, S., Taggart, W., Kidd C.D., Dasté, O. 2006. Relational artifacts with children and elders: the complexities of cybercompanionship. Connection Science 18:4, 347-361.
Sidner, C.L., Lee, C., Kidd, C.D., Lesh, N., Rich, C. 2005. Explorations in engagement for humans and robots. Artificial Intelligence. 166:1-2, 140-164.

Annabell Ho
Ho, A., Hancock, J., Miner, AS. 2018. Psychological, Relational, and Emotional Effects of Self-Disclosure After Conversations with a Chatbot, Journal of Communication. 68:4, 712-733.

Antero Garcia
Garcia, A., Witte, S., Dail, J. (Eds.) (Under contract). Playing in the Classroom: Games, Literacies, and Youth Culture in the 21st Century. Rotterdam: Sense.
Garcia, A. (2017). Good Reception: Teens, Teachers, and Mobile Media in a Los Angeles High School. Cambridge: MIT Press.
Garcia, A. & Niemeyer, G. (Eds.) 2017. Virtual, Visible, and Viable: Alternate Reality Games and the Cusp of Digital Gameplay. New York: Bloomsbury.
Garcia, A. 2017. Privilege, Power, and Dungeons & Dragons: How Systems Shape Racial and Gender Identities in Tabletop Role-Playing Games. Mind, Culture, and Activity, 7April 2017, 232-246.

Ethan Watters
Watters, E. 2010. Crazy Like Us: The Globalization of the American Psyche. New York: Free Press.
Watters, E.(2013) ”We Aren’t the World.” Pacific Standard, February 25, 2013.

Mariana Lin
Lin, M. 2018. Absurdist dialogues with Siri. The Paris Review. February 12, 2018.

Davar Ardalan
Ardalan, D. 2008. My Name Is Iran. New York: Henry Holt and Company.

Albert Boyang Li
Kim, H., Laterenchuk, D., Billet, D., Huan, J., Park, H., Li, Boyang. 2019. Understanding story characters, movie actors and their versatility with Gaussian representations. Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence, forthcoming.

Adam Banks
Banks, A. (2006) Race, Rhetoric, and Technology: Searching for Higher Ground. Computers and Writing 2007 Distinguished Book Award. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Ltd.: Mahwah, NJ.
Banks, A.J. 2011. Digital Griots: African American Rhetoric in a Multimedia Age. Conference on College Composition and Communication of the National Teachers of English.

Angèle Christin
Christin, A. 2018. “Counting Clicks. Quantification and Variation in Web Journalism in the United States and France.” American Journal of Sociology 123 (5): 1382-1415.
Christin, A. 2016. “From Daguerreotypes to Algorithms: Machines, Expertise, and Three Forms of Objectivity.” ACM Computers & Society, 46 (1), 27-32.
Christin, A. 2016. “The Hidden Story of How Metrics Are Being Used in Courtrooms and Newsrooms to Make More Decisions.” Ethnography Matters, “Co-Designing with Machines” Special Issue.

Jordanne Pavao
Markus, H., & Nurius, P. (1986). Possible selves. American Psychologist, 41 954-969.

Elodie Mailliet Storm
Markus, H., & Nurius, P. (1986). Possible selves. American Psychologist, 41 954-969.

Andrea Gagliano
Markus, H., & Nurius, P. (1986). Possible selves. American Psychologist, 41 954-969.

Rama Akkiraju
Markus, H., & Nurius, P. (1986). Possible selves. American Psychologist, 41 954-969.