Software and Digital Content for Educational Technologies
Join us Wednesday May 24th in the Barnum Hub as mediaX Distinguished Visiting Scholar Dr. Jennifer House provides an update on the status of federal funding for K-12 education, the state of progress on the implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act, and reauthorization of the Higher Ed Act. This update includes timely news from the SIIA Education Policy Seminar and meetings in Washington DC this week with education stakeholders.
The SIIA Education Policy Seminar (previously the Ed Tech Government Forum and DC Fly-In) has been the preeminent Washington, DC technology and publishing event for more than two decades. The Seminar offers an excellent opportunity to meet with national education leaders and translate federal legislation, funding and regulations into actionable market intelligence! The Software & Information Industry Association (SIIA) is the principal trade association for the software and digital content industry.
As President Trump takes the reins of the nation, national education policy is in transition. Federal leadership and authority is giving way to greater state and local district autonomy and flexibility, planning is well underway for full implementation of the Every Student Succeeds Act, and the Higher Education Act is about to be overhauled. The next four years will bring significant change to the industry.

Jennifer House, Ph.D. is President of RedRock Reports, an education funding services company. A noted education market leader, Dr. House is a former teacher, reading specialist, school district administrator and educational technology innovator. In addition to heading up the Curriculum Department for the Cupertino Union School District in CA, she also led engineering education and marketing programs for Hewlett-Packard, managed K-12 marketing programs for Apple Computer, held executive positions with Tenth Planet, Classroom Connect, and other leading K-12 organizations. Dr. House also has served on the Board of Directors for the Software Information Industry Association, the International Society for Technology Education and the Association of Education Publishers.